West Chester Acceptance Rate
Westtown School in West Chester Pennsylvania serves 372 students in grades 9-12. Last year 11356 out of 15077 applicants were admitted making West Chester University of Pennsylvania an easy school to get into with a very good chance of acceptance assuming you meet the requirements. West Chester University Of Pennsylvania Acceptance Rate Yield Sat Act Scores Ad Best Chester Rentals from Your Favourite Sites. West chester acceptance rate . Ranks 1st among universities in West Chester with an acceptance rate of 69. Average SAT ACT Scores. Get Results from 6 Engines. What Admissions Stats Mean for You. Find Your Dream Vacation Home Now. This means the school is not selective. WCU has an acceptance rate of around 52 with 33 of applicants deciding to enroll. The school receives approximately 15000 applications every admission cycle from prospective students. New Student Enrollment Admission. West Chester University of Pennsylvania is in the top 10 of universiti...