Recology Pick Up
Powered by Zendesk. Recology is committed to creating a world without waste by helping our communities minimize material sent to landfills through our programs for reuse recycling and composting. Bulky Items Recology San Francisco Curbside Recycling Residents receive garbage service according to the level of service they order. Recology pick up . Once youve scheduled your pickup please place your items next to the curb in front of your residence take care not to block the sidewalk and attach a sign that reads RECOLOGY. You may request additional Recology Bulky Item Recycling collections for a nominal fee. San Francisco residents get special services for household toxic productsCall Recology at 415 330-1405 to schedule a Free Home Pick-up from your San Francisco residence. I called Recology to ask for a pickup the next day as our recycle bins were full and they apologized and said someone would pick up the next day. From January 2 to January 15 Christmas tree collection cre...